Thursday 9 February 2012

Some games are coming out!

It's February, and there are two games getting released that I'm averagely interested in!

By the way, my Borderlands 2 Preview was the highest rated on Hooked Gamers for January, so thanks for that if you voted it up!

Since then, I've written a DiRT Showdown Preview, and a review of Puddle, so check those out if you haven't already.

Enough of the self-plugging though, because my band is playing at Warwick University Battle of the Bands in two weeks. Oh wait, sorry, games.

The Darkness II
I never played the first one, "oh wah wah, you need to play the original first to get a feel for the story". No. That's what Wikipedia is for.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't the start of the year and there were other things to be playing, I probably wouldn't be as interested in The Darkness II. It's just that I've played like 300 games of FIFA online now and I need something else to do. And ripping people in half with the evil tentacles coming out of your back, accompanied by an incredibly British monkey sidekick seems the best option.

You're this mafia boss, Jackie Estacado, and your girlfriend died in the first game, (or something, I haven't actually read Wikipedia yet). Anyway, the most important part is that you have this evil force, "The Darkness" living inside you, which Jackie attempts to keep under control, but he has to unleash it when a hit goes out on him so he doesn't die. (Or something, seriously, I'm just in it for the senseless murdering).

If I find it fun enough to play a good chunk of, I'll review it (in a more eloquent manner), so that's something to look forward to.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
EA seems to just want to refer to this as 'Reckoning' now, which is fine by me, it's a pretty long title otherwise. I think I've said before what a stupidly generic word 'Reckoning' is though, but watchagonnado?

Here's a lazy description of Reckoning: It's an Elder Scrolls game but with a more action-oriented combat system. You can hammer on the attack button to do combos and such, and there's an added timing element to pull off different attacks. Seems a cool system, but doesn't seem deep enough to stay really interesting for the dozens of hours the game will last, but we'll see.

There's coloured loot, main quests, side quests, repeatable quests, strange quests, up quests, charm quests and more. I've heard rumours that perhaps 38 Studios have somehow put too much content into the game? Or rather that there is enough content, just that a lot of it isn't exactly exciting (I hesitate to use the word filler without having played it yet).

It'll fill the RPG gap in my life since I Skyrimmed myself out (eww) though, and should be enough to tide me over til we get to see what aberration EA has turned Mass Effect 3 into (I hope that's not true).

I may review Reckoning, could take up too much of my time though given that I have several essays/ courseworks/ revisionings to be doing over the next few weeks, so that's less likely than a Darkness review.

Thanks for reading people, be good.

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