It's that time of year when the University has just finished, so you don't want to do any work because it's nearly Christmas, and you've got plenty of time to do it in a couple of weeks. So until then, I'll be sitting around in my pyjamas (with a dressing gown over the top because I can't afford to put the heating on while I'm living alone), playing some video games. It's kind of like the rest of the year, except then I wear normal clothes because sometimes I have to go out places. Also, I'm an adult now, so I can do WHATEVER I WANT (until I have to get a job). People say things like "oh yeah, now I can have chocolate for breakfast, because I don't have stupid rules any more"... Chocolate for breakfast...that would be awful, right? It's not just me?
So I'll be generally just doing whatever for the next couple of weeks, then do some family stuff around the 25th. Then around the 28th I'll think, "hmm maybe I should get on with doing some work...nah it's New Year's in a few days, I'll do it after that," and so on, until the term starts again and I've done nothing. Because that's what the holidays are all about, right?
I'm looking down the list of games that I'll probably be playing over the coming weeks.
Bit.Trip Runner
Cave Story+
Gratuitous Space Battles
Super Meat Boy
Trine 2
Those are the Steam games that I can pretty much just drop in and out of. They're mainly the games from the Humble Bundle that I picked up the other day. I gave my thoughts on them in a previous post, highlighting my misgivings about playing Cave Story+ at all, but I've been persuaded by a couple of people to keep going with it, so I shall, as I'm a trusting person.
Beyond those, I want to get back into Skyrim, simply because I feel it deserves more of my attention. My main aims for that will be to finish off all the Daedric quests, as they seem to be the most interesting stuff past the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines (which were really cool).
I also picked up Trine 2 the other day, which looks absolutely gorgeous, so I'll continue playing that. I've been playing it co-operatively, which I feel is the best way to play I've said before, if you do things with friends then you can make anything fun. That's not to say it wouldn't be fun without friends, it's a very well made game, and it's great fun to play around with the physics.
I've also been playing a fair amount of FIFA recently, getting back into playing around with some of the online modes. I haven't played it in a good while, and it's very apparent because I SUCK. Either I suck, or I'm just being drawn against people who are really good, hard to say. Sometimes, the only goals I can get are the ones where they accidentally pass it from a goal kick and you just run up, take the ball and score. You think, "oh man, I scored, awesome!" ...and then the wave of shame washes over you.
Trackmania 2 continues to be some of the best value for money that I've ever come across, and I'm sure I'll put many more hours into that game over the coming weeks. Some people don't 'get' it, and I can definitely see the reasons why those people don't. It's also pointless to try and explain the craziness that is Trackmania 2 to those people, because it's the type of game where you see it, and immediately make a decision in your head over whether you think you'd enjoy it or not. So I'll just say that I really enjoy it, and let you make your own mind up.
Let's see... there's also things like Battlefield 3, which I'll pick up again if I can persuade some friends to, as I don't really enjoy it as much when I'm playing on my own (again with the friends -> fun thing). I think I'll also get some people together and check out what's going on in Minecraft v1. But other than that, and dabbling in a few other games for a small amount of time and here and there, that's about it for games. I think I've got all I'm going to get out of Saints Row the Third for now, it was super fun, I might do a review tomorrow or something, haven't decided.
Thanks for reading, later.
I totally agree about the slippers, coming downstairs is even harder, especially when your slippers are boots that have strectched so that they flap about at the end